How have we shifted from the ideas of the 80's-90's Traditional Teaching to Inquiry Teaching we are doing now?
Just like from ActivityMania to switching into Children's' pre-defined concepts. Mentioned in both articles this isn't as easy as going in clearing a chalk board. There is quite a bit of work that actually needs to be done to go in and undo what students have been taught. So, why do we teach in ways that make it harder on the next teachers down the line? I really liked this article and how it talked about these issues. Because it makes us want to be better teachers in the long run, but it also helps us see why we have shifted into Inquiry based teaching methods away from the Traditional memorization methods we were taught growing up.
The last 2 articles along with the first two remind me of when the shift in these ideas occurred on PBS in the early 2000s because I grew up watching all the shows they had on and how they taught children to do math and science, and also the shift could be seen in traditional methods of learning to inquiry based by how shows started showing the main characters developing more of their own ideas in the classrooms and being allowed to talk things out with one another. The main characters were then shown that it was ok if they had the wrong answer and they were able to then work through the problem with their friends and teachers. I know growing up seeing this change in television and my teachers' teaching practices was not mentally accounted for but it greatly helped lead me into both the field of science research and wanting to be a teacher in myself
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