What is the Science/Magic behind Magnets?! Why do we use NGSS?

IRL there are many different forms magnets take in our lives, some of these most ppl use in their day to day like cell-phones, fridges, cars, compasses, gps, and so many more. Then there are also magnets in place that many of us don’t think about like clocks, computers, radio stations, geologic markers, and even our own bodies are howned into the electromagnetic fields like most animals.

    In life not only have I see magnets in use on the day to day, but I have used magnets even at higher scientific research levels by operating and running an ICP-MS as a lab Technician for the university of Iowa MatFab Labs.

    What is the science behind magnets?

Why NGSS and the standards

NGSS Reflection Assignment

Select one set of standards from the core ideas from one of the following; life, physical or earth/space sciences and one of the following grade spans (6-8, 9-12). The focus should be depth rather than breadth. Make sure you pick an area of expertise and experience.  You need to address the following questions:

HS-ESS1-5. Evaluate evidence of the past and current movements of continental and oceanic crust and the theory of plate tectonics to explain the ages of crustal rocks. [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on the ability of plate tectonics to explain the ages of crustal rocks. Examples include evidence of the ages of oceanic crust increasing with distance from mid-ocean ridges (a result of plate spreading) and the ages of North American continental crust decreasing with distance away from a central ancient core of the continental plate (a result of past plate interactions).]

Section I. Taking a Close Look at One Set of Performance Expectations 

A. Clarity and Specificity 

To answer these questions, think about whether the performance expectations are clear and specific enough for a classroom teacher to understand the outcome expected and assess whether a student has met the outcomes specified. Base your answer on all of the information provided, including the stem, performance expectations, and foundation boxes. 

• _Do you have clear idea of what students must know and be able to do? Support your answer.

We are provided enough information to be able to know what the students need learn. The reason that I believe this is because the 3D sections state that in the DCI touch on The History of the planet, so that students have some thoughts and ideas on the history of the earth. Also, ESS2.B talks about Plate Tectonics in general and how new and older rock is formed through out time, as a solid grounding block.

• _How open to interpretation are the performance expectations? Explain

The performance expectations are open enough that they can used for interpretations on how you are allowed to teach the STDs but they do have very dead set answers /”facts” that they are looking for in particular.

B. Integration of the Three Dimensions in the Performance Expectations 

Each performance expectation contains a scientific or engineering practice, a core idea, and a crosscutting concept. Successful completion of a given performance expectation indicates that a student has achieved the practices, core ideas, and crosscutting concepts that it is based on. 

• _In what ways can the inclusion of all three components in a single expectation lead to improved learning of the core idea? Be as specific as you can. 

When you include all 3D of the NGSS STDs, you are able to get a much better built concept and class/lab for the students because first of all because you are engaging your students by finding evidence and reasoning behind why they think specific age of the continental age that it is. One top of that the DCI pulls in 3 other standard ideas that are being taught in later units to help students strengthen their conceptual grasps from other lessons that they have taken in their Earth Science classes. As this stds is ESS1-5 and core ideas that are being pulled in are ESS1.C, ESS2.B, and PS1.C. Let’s not forget about how CCC also help build a better lab will help as throughout the students years as a science student they will have been taught how to find patterns and we will be using that more and more and more. Also helping them strengthen those ideas and that way of critical thinking is worthwhile.

• _Is there a clear connection between the performance expectations and the practices, core ideas, and crosscutting concepts in the foundation box? Explain

I believe that there is as the PE talks about earth’s history, how plate tectonics come into play with finding the history of the plates, and how the nuclear process touches how heating of magma and new crust is formed. 

• _Is it reasonable to assume that a student who has successfully completed the performance expectations has achieved mastery of the core ideas, practices, and crosscutting concepts? Why?

No I don’t believe this because, some of the units will be taught more in depth in other classes and with other standards. So I believe that students will have a grasp of the ideas but, I do not believe they will have mastered them 

C. Achievability and Preparedness 

To answer these questions, think about what students need to know and be able to do to be successful in life and also consider the time and effort needed to help all students achieve the stated expectations.

•Would students who achieve the task described in the performance expectations be prepared for success at college and/or in their careers? Why or Why not?

I will believe so because they as ppl will be able to see and recognize patterns which is a solid critical thinking skill. I do also believe that knowing how to solve a more abstract problem will help them move forward in their lives

•Are the tasks described in the performance expectations reasonable expectations for all students? Defend your answer

I will say yes, as the PE can be tailored so that all students will be able to accomplish these goals no matter what their developmental level is

•Are the practices described in the foundation box reasonable expectations for all students? Defend your answer

Yes they are as they can be tailored for each student and they are broad enough that those with either IEPs or 504 plans can complete the and master the standard to their personalized lvls

•Are the disciplinary core ideas described in the foundation box reasonable expectations for all students?

I believe they are as I have stated above from what I have seen and how I help students daily adjust the classes so that they can understand things. I truly believe there is a way that you can get students how to understand the ideas in some for to relate to their personal lives

•Are the crosscutting concepts described in the foundation box reasonable expectations for all students?

This is 100% easily for all lvls to grasp and making patterns is something that can be taught to all in some form or another

D. Instructional Implications of the Performance Expectations 

The intent of the performance expectations is to describe what students should be able to do at the end of instruction. They are not meant to specify what students should do as part of instruction. However, some readers have interpreted them that way.

•Do the performance expectations seem to prescribe specific instructional sequences and instructional strategies? Why or why not?

They do, as they seem to have built off of pervious taught content from both MS standards and other core science standards like Physical science stds 

•Do you think that performance expectations should prescribe specific instructional sequences and instructional strategies? Why or why not?

I believe that they should build off one another and there are some that need to be taught in a specific order, so that the right prior knowledge base is built. But there are those sections and standards that do not have to be taught in any order so that they are understood
