First weeks of Practicum

We have finally started Practicum hours! Life has been a bit crazy since then. That because a good friend just got out of brain surgery last week, I celebrated my 28th Birthday on Sunday the 6th, and I had a great time celebrating with 2 of my 3 brothers in town! 

Thinking back on last week’s hours it was a blur but also good. I really liked being able to see behind the proverbial curtain at another school that I don’t know as well as mine. It was also curious to see how different schools have different social dynamics then what I am use to. These kids seem more social status oriented then what I am use to. I am use to seeing kids either focused on school or not wanting to be there. Not more focused on picking on one another and talking about who’s parents make what amounts of money, or who does/or doesn’t have friends. It will be interesting to build and create a safe learning environment for them.

As for basic lesson plans and class organization as of what I have seen most of it is created by the teacher in charge. They along with one other teacher plan out what will be studied out of the units. They also have a binder of the NGSS stds that they make sure to try and hit every time. Technology wise in the classroom there was a smart board that the teacher was able to use for their guiding lectures and showing students what they would be doing for the day. As for the students, they each had their own chrome books that they were able to take notes on, but also looking up what they had missed in the last class periods. I noticed there was also MTSS support for the students that needed it. It was also cool being able to gage who I thought were students on IEP/504/BD/ELL plans and to see how those traits slowly showed in how they interacted with their peers. 

Plus every time I walk into a classroom it’s always a new story with how the kids will be that day. And it is a nice thought knowing that things will always look brighter on the next days.
